Geelong Plumbing Co is a proud member of Master Plumbers.
Plumbers play a vital role in developing and maintaining public health and safety through access to clean water and sanitation and gas appliances' safe installation and servicing. While Victorian consumers enjoy high plumbing standards, it is essential that this work is overseen by a knowledgeable, respected and well-resourced regulator.
When you use a Master Plumber, you choose a plumber who is held accountable to qualities, services and standards applied by the Association and follows a code of ethics.

Geelong Plumbing Co is a proud member of Master Plumbers, following the high standards and business conduct required in its Code of Ethics:
A member shall protect the health and well-being of the community, as it is impacted by the sectors of the Plumbing and Mechanical Services industry, to the best of the member's ability.
A member shall work to raise the living standards of the community.
A member shall endeavour, where practicable, to promote the principles and objectives of this Code.
A member shall apply fair treatment, courtesy, reasonable and honest conduct in the efficient operation of its business, its dealings with the Association and with other member organisations.
A member shall observe the highest standards of honesty in all of its transactions. It shall avoid the use of false titles, ambiguous statements and misleading claims in all advertising.
A member shall endeavour to engage in friendly co-operation with other members.
A member shall observe the laws of the Commonwealth and the States, particularly with respect to Trade Practices and Fair Trading legislation.
A member shall not cancel a contract undertaken in good faith without good reason and sufficient cause.
A member shall not knowingly sign any relevant documents as a licensed practitioner on behalf of an unlicensed person, to enable that person to carry out work in the Plumbing and Mechanical Services industry.
A member shall endeavour to protect the public and the Plumbing and Mechanical Services industry against the lack of skilled tradespersons.
A member shall endeavour to employ and train apprentices where practicable.
A member shall not knowingly pay or provide a secret commission, discount or rebate in order to gain advantage over another member.
A member shall at all times work to preserve harmonious employer-employee relationships both within its own business and throughout the Plumbing and Mechanical Services industry.
A member shall engage where practicable in ongoing personal or professional skill development to maintain industry currency.
The Master Plumbers' and Mechanical Services Association of Australia has approved this Code of Ethics as a means of encouraging the highest standards of business conduct from its member organisations. It is issued so that the Association and its members may strive together to improve the Plumbing and Mechanical Services Industry and develop those personal and business attributes which are the basis of all good trading relations. In all matters relating to the interpretation of this Code a member shall recognise the authority of the Association and its Constitution.
Call Geelong Plumbing Co on 0406 575 575, your local and licensed Geelong Plumber, knowing you can rely on quality plumbing services and standards and ethical business practices.